Thursday, November 28, 2013

Judge + Jurry + Excecutioner = Hague

  The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was set up by the United Nations for prosecution of the war criminals during the Yugoslav wars. In every war there are casualties, but when the victim of war is the truth, that is an atrocity.
  The reason for the war in the former Yugoslavia was the dissatisfaction of the former Yugoslav republics with the Serb led government of the country. The eight year long war had caused approximately 100 000 deaths. During the war there were numerous atrocities, there is no denying of that. But the conviction of those war criminals and false indications are alarming.

 There are 161 people who faced, and are still facing justice in The Hague. Of those indicted 94 are Serbs, 29 are Croats, 9 are Ethnic Albanian, 9 are Bosnian, 2 are Macedonians and 2 are Montenegrins.  Not if almost all Serb defendants were convicted (with the exclusion of the current trials of Goran Hadžić, Radovan Karadžić, Ratko Mladić and Vojislav Šešelj) or have died during the trials. But the Croat, Bosnian and Albanian defendants have enjoyed much smaller media coverage, lost witnesses (if there were any at the first place).
 This is an example: Haradin Bala, Fatmir Limaj, Isak Musliu, and Agim Murtezi they were accused for planning, instigating, ordering, committing, or otherwise aiding and abetting the planning, preparation, or execution of acts or omissions as intimidation, imprisonment, violence and murder against Serb civilians and Albanian civilians perceived by the KLA. 
  • Everyone except Bala are now free.

  This is not justice. Are those lives which have been taken by the “rebels” are not human as well? When the “rebels” commit crimes, the world’s courts don’t even bother investigating. 
In the end the repercussions of the war was the destabilization of the whole region and a future pretext for a another war. 

The Ideology Of Bane

  The character of Bane portrayed by Tom Hardy in the “Dark Knight Rises” has been described as thoughtful, menacing mercenary anarchist with perfect physical conditions. The problem is that movie version of the Bane character is far different from the original than from the comic books. The original Bane is a mercenary from the fictional country of Santa Prisca. Thus his most notable motivation for fighting the Batman was financial. The director of the Dark Knight Trilogy Mrs. Christopher Nolan molded the character according to the vibe of his previous movie adaptations of the much beloved Batman.

  That mends creating new forms of the Batman, Joker, Bane, and Ra’s Al-Ghul. With the knowledge that every movie is subjective, the third Batman film “The Dark Knight Rises” had many issues. One of them was the false believe that the Bane character was the master mind behind Gotham’s wrecking. Yes for the most part of the movie Bane was thought to be Ra’s Al-Ghul’s child. Yes Bane was at one point a member of the “League of Shadows”.
  Tom Hardy’s Bane has revealed at the last fifteen minutes of the film to be “a love sick puppy” of Talia Al-Ghul, the daughter of Ra’s. Bane rescues Talia when she was very young from the prison inmates, Bane constantly orders “his” men not to hurt Miss Miranda Tate (Talia’s alter ego).
The perfect directing and editing of the whole film has fooled and led people presume that Bane seems to be an anarchist and to call him a “Che Guevara on Steroids”.  Like the political theorist and cultural critic Slavoj Žižek.

  Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates stateless society often defined as self-governed voluntary institutions, Bane is not an anarchist he is a terrorist who is under the command of Talia Al-Ghul whose motivations are eco-terroristic and revenged driven.      

Monday, November 25, 2013

Objectified Review.

Objectified is a wonderful film or would you prefer short documentary about design.

 Have you ever wondered whenever you walk into an Apple store you are attracted by their products and its sleek and unique designs? And then whenever you lower your head down and you see that ridiculous price you immediately think “Ooh, this must be high quality, I must have it.”. Well, you’re wrong. Objectified clearly explains the design elitism that has been spanning around for quite some time now.  That is not the main point of the whole documentary but it is one of the main points worth discussing of modern design and pricing. 

 On the documentary there are lots of designers who share their current experience and why is something like it is and not in another way, presenting you with their whole understanding of the concept of design. For example we shall say you design chairs. But you have to make sure it is comfortable and attractive to someone. One day someone will purchase those chairs from you to fit their whole restaurant or pub or anything alike. Key when designing chairs is comfort.

 Many other points apply to this. But that is for you to see in the documentary.
Otherwise you could see the documentary ranging from people who make personalized computers to chair designers and other furniture or tool designers.

 When I first watched it I thought it would be the same old stuff you could see everyone telling you, but it points out how the designers think, which I found interesting. There are other points that matter but were focused on lowly because mostly they do not matter.

To sum it all up, design is a process going and progressing.

  • Humans want new things.
  • It gets a 10/10 for a review score.
  • A must watch for designers, be you a software interface designer, kitchen appliances, anything.

Worth checking out

                                               Atheism and Religion

The Thinking Atheist


The Amazing Atheist

Pat Condell

The Unbelievers/Неверниците

                                              The Unbelievers/Неверниците

    Неверниците е документарен филм кој ги следи светски познатите научници Ричард Докинс   и   Лоренс Краус низ нивното патување низ светот во кое тие држат јавни говори и дебати за важноста на науката и разумот во модерниот свет.
 Во филмот исто така се појавуваат познати светски глумци,научници и влијателни луѓе како:Стивен Хокинс,Камерон Дијаз,Рики Џерваис,Бил Меиер,Џејмс Ренди,Сем Харис,Михаил Шермер и други.

 Овој филм е одлична претстава на долго годишната борба на атеистите како Докинс и Краус да ја испратат пораката дека религијата не само што не носи никаков напредок туку напротив го уназадува општеството и дека науката и критичкото мислење се единствен начин до вистината.
     Ви го препорачуваме овој филм на секој отворен и искрен човек.Го препорачуваме и на религиозните кои можеби овој краток документарец ќе им го смени мислењето или барем ќе им даде уште една перспектива на работите.Секако овој филм е "задолжителен" за сите атеисти кои сакаат да си го продлабочат знаењето и да се инспирираат од овие познати атеисти.



Vatican The Holy Shit

Vatican, the cradle of Roman Catholicism and arguably the most powerful religious organization in the world. For millions of people around the world who are of Catholic faith it is also the light house of the world and in it resides the closest human link to God that society can get, the Pope. Oh yeah, and did I mention it was also the escape pod for pedophile priests and catholic child molesters alike? The majority of child victims are between the ages of 11-14.


 Catholic pedophilia is one serious and controversial topic. Not only does it strike horror at people it also strikes a serious blow at the Vatican claims that the Catholic Church is a holy and crime free organization.

Unfortunately, these types of crimes are nothing new to the Catholic Church as is covering up and even justifying their crimes by their religion. In fact that is the numero uno reason why the Catholic Church is still  powerful and enormously rich, the fact that this is a religious organization. This is the scary thing about religion, well at least religion as a tool for its leaders, it provides them with an excuse for doing terrible and immoral things. This is something the Vatican has used since their beginning. In their long and bloody history they are responsible for the death and suffering of thousands of their fellow human beings. Such examples are the inquisition, the witch hunts and of course the Crusades in the “Holy Land”., an "online archive established by lay Catholics," reports that over 3,000 civil lawsuits have been filed against the church.The only thing scarier than this statistic is the ways that the church justifies their crimes. First they said that the priests who did this were possessed by evil spirits (demons) and by that argument they weren’t guilty. And if you thought that wasn’t crazy enough, listen to this. When atheists like myself reject the possibility of demon existence, and that we blame the priest for their deeds, their response was this: The children were seducing the priest, it was their fault…..Pardon my vulgarism but…WHAT.THE.FUCK?????

But the thing that troubles me the most is not this crimes of the past, but the impotence and lack of  will of man to do anything about it and even more scarier is the fact that millions of people still think that the pope and the Vatican are holy things and direct agents of their God.